Saturday 25 February 2012

Yesterday I went to optic word at Metro Point ,
to buy spec 
it was extremely expensive ~~><
it costly Rm 650~~
my dad ask the person can lower the price...
then she say cannot ady 
this is the lowest price ~
I say to my dad 
this spec I pay
so i will cherish it xD
my angpao money all gone
just in one minute TvT 
and my eye degree also increase ~~
really so bad & sad ....
two incident come together 
like a knife cut in my heart .......

Wednesday 22 February 2012

HI my lovely reader I'm back hehe
Form 4 life ~~
everythings is change ......
actually it is a very tough time....
I'm suffering now ><
it is not a honeymoon ady~~
especially the history and add math ~~
was very difficult !!!
but no choice ~~
history is the include subject we have to pass it &
we have to study and memorise it every single of word doesn't it? ...
the problem now is that i read many time
still cannot get it in history~~
do u have the same problem with me too?
anyways I'll work harder to get it xD
and u too never give up !!!
u will success too xD
say truly I very miss my form 3 life !!!!
we can have fun like a kid
no need to worries this worries that
it was a wonderful time ^^